barbell STRENGTH

Fitness and nutrition coaching for a stronger, healthier and better-fueled you. 

become your strongest self


Come train with me in-person in a boutique studio in Florentine, Tel Aviv.

 Learn and master strength training and take your health to the next level.

Online Exercise Coaching

Get a personalized gym plan that is suited to your goals. We’ll work together weekly and I’ll update your program regularly so that you’ll be PRing in the gym in no time.

Nutrition coaching

Get a personalized meal plan and nutrition strategy that will set you up for long term success. We’ll work together on a weekly basis and tackle your nutrition in a way that is optimal for you. 


“Shev is fantastic. Not only because of her knowledge, which indeed is huge but also because she cares. She cares personally to every single particular detail of the training. She helped me in my transformation being crucial to help me to lose 50kg.”

Ariel Perelsztein

Hi! I’m Shevi. Nice to meet you!

I’m a personal trainer, sportstherapist and sports nutrition coach who believes that there is nothing you can do better for your body than to make it strong and powerful.

I’m on a mission to get as many people strength training as possible. 

I don’t believe in extreme  approaches to exercise or dieting, and encourage working smart -not hard- in the gym and kitchen. You can read more about my journey here:

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